Expressing Creativity by Painting Shipping Containers

Expressing Creativity by Painting Shipping Containers

Shipping containers are big metals used to move goods around the world. They are made of steel and come in different sizes, from 10 feet to 53 feet long. Besides transporting goods, these containers can be used as storage units, temporary shelters, pop-up shops, and even homes.

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One creative way to use shipping containers is by painting them. Before painting, using a pressure washer can help clean the surface thoroughly. Painting them not only makes them look nicer but also allows for self-expression and creativity. In this article, we will explore the benefits of painting, guide on selecting the right paint, and offer creative ideas for achieving an aesthetically pleasing finish.

Benefits of Painting Shipping Containers

Benefits of Painting Shipping Containers

Painting shipping containers has numerous benefits, some of which are listed below:

  • Personalization: By painting a shipping container, you can customize it according to your taste and style. This is especially useful for businesses or individuals who want to stand out and make a statement with their containers.
Benefits of Painting Shipping Containers Protection
  • Protection: The steel material used to make shipping containers is prone to rust and corrosion. By painting the container, you can add an extra layer of protection against weather elements, thus increasing its lifespan.
Benefits of Painting Shipping Containers Increase Visibility
  • Increased Visibility: A painted shipping container is more eye-catching and easier to spot than a plain one. This can be beneficial for businesses as it can attract potential customers or serve as a landmark for directions.
Benefits of Painting Shipping Containers Cost Effectively
  • Cost-effectiveness: Painting a shipping container is a relatively low-cost way to transform its appearance compared to other renovation options such as adding windows or doors.
Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container

Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container

Shipping containers are no longer just for transportation. People now use them for creative spaces like tiny homes, offices, and pop-up shops. To make your shipping container unique, try giving it a new coat of paint. Here are some simple ideas to make it look great:

Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container Paint Colors
  • Paint Colors: Paint your shipping container in bright and bold colors like yellow, blue, or red to make it stand out and look attractive.
Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container Art and Murals
  • Art and Murals: Hire a local artist to paint a mural on your container. A custom mural can add character and make your space unique.
Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container Patterns
  • Patterns: Use patterns like stripes, chevrons, or polka dots to give your shipping container a modern and stylish appearance.
Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container Nature Themes
  • Nature Themes: Paint natural elements like trees, flowers, or landscapes to bring an outdoor feel to your container.
Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container Gradient Colors
  • Gradient Colors: Blend two or more colors on your container to create a gradient effect. This makes the container look dynamic and interesting.
Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container Metallic Paint
  • Metallic Paint: Use metallic paints like gold, silver, or copper to give the container a sleek, industrial look that reflects light.
Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container Color Blocking
  • Color Blocking: Paint different sections of the container in contrasting colors to add a contemporary touch and break up a plain design.
Aesthetic Ways to Paint Your Shipping Container Stencils
  • Stencils: Use stencils to add detailed designs or patterns to your container. This is an affordable way to make the exterior more interesting.
Choosing the Right Paint

Choosing the Right Paint

Before diving into the painting process, it’s essential to choose the right type of paint for your shipping container. Since containers are made of metal, they require a specific type of paint that will adhere to the surface and provide long-lasting protection. Marine-grade paint is a prime choice for this purpose. Here are some factors to consider when selecting marine-grade paint for your container:

  • Durability: Look for a paint that is specifically designed for outdoor use and can withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • Rust Inhibitors: To prevent rust from forming on your container, choose a paint that contains rust inhibitors.
  • Compatibility: Make sure the paint is compatible with metal surfaces and can bond well with the container’s material.
  • Color: Consider the color options available and choose one that appeals to you while also providing practical benefits, such as reflecting heat or blending in with your surroundings.

If your container is rusty, visit this blog to learn how to paint it effectively: How to Paint a Rusty Shipping Container.


Painted storage containers are a great way to make them look more attractive and show your creativity. With the right prep and materials, you can turn a plain container into a piece of art. Why stick with a boring container when you can make it unique with some paint?

The options are endless. So go ahead and get creative with a painted storage container today.

On-Site Storage Solutions

If you’re searching for affordable and quality shipping containers that you can do a paint job, On-Site Storage Solutions has got you covered. With over 50 locations throughout the US and Canada, we offer a vast inventory of new, used, and refurbished containers.

You can trust in our quality and rely on the industry’s best customer service. Plus, we provide comprehensive door-to-door delivery. Call us at (888) 405-8772 to learn more about what we offer. Our friendly customer service team is here to assist you.


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